重点实验室 浙江省塑料改性与加工技术研究重点实验室



浙江省“塑料改性与加工技术研究重点实验室”依托浙江工业大学材料科学与工程省重中之重一级学科,以浙江工业大学材料学院高分子材料与工程研究所为主体与浙江俊儿新材料有限公司合作, 2011年获得批准,成为我… 详细>>

所在地:杭州市 下城区    

依托单位:浙江工业大学    行业分类:A4材料







23 预约

1 好评

场地:3375.00 设备:4010.62万 人员:47

地址:杭州市潮王路18号浙江工业大学材料科学与工程学院  显示地图



浙江省“塑料改性与加工技术研究重点实验室”依托浙江工业大学材料科学与工程省重中之重一级学科,以浙江工业大学材料学院高分子材料与工程研究所为主体与浙江俊儿新材料有限公司合作, 2011年获得批准,成为我省唯一以高性能塑料材料开发及加工技术为主要研究方向的省级重点实验室。在塑料改性及应用技术、塑料成型与加工技术和功能塑料及应用技术3个研究方向已形成特色和优势。 实验室拥有实验场地4000余平方米,仪器设备70余台,设备价值4000多万元。实验室专职研发人员40余人,近年来承担国家级项目16项,省部级项目40余项,企业委托项目50余项,总科研经费达2000多万元。产学研合作平台8个,共计发表各类研究论文105篇,其中在Chemical Communication, Langmuir, JPCC, Polymer, Nanotechnology 等国际知名杂志发表论文10余篇,SCI/EI/ISTP收录论文50余篇。共申请各类专利 63 项,其中授权发明专利 21 项。The provincial key laboratory of polymer modification and process, based on the provincial most important subject of material science and engineering in Zhejiang University of Technology, was an associated laboratory of institute of polymer science & engineering in Zhejiang University of Technology and Zhejiang Juner Novel materials, CO. Ltd., and approved in 2011. It is the sole key laboratory devoted in the research of developing new materials and their processing technology regarding to high performance plastics in Zhejiang Province, focusing on three areas including plastic modification and application, plastic forming and processing, as well as functional plastics and their applications. The lab has standard experimental field of more than 4000m2 and is equipped with modern instruments valued more than 40 million RMB. There are more than 40 full-time researchers, and in recent years, they have undertaken more than 100 projects, including projects sponsored by National Natural Science Fund, provincial projects and joint projects with industrial community. Resulted from these fundings, over 100 peer reviewed papers have been published, more than 50 papers were catalogued in the index of science citation (SCI), Engineering Index (EI) and, Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings, including more than 10 papers on top journals such as Chemical Communication, Langmuir, JPCC, Polymer, Nanotechnology, etc. In addition, 63 patents were applied, among which 21 inventive patents have been patented.

主办单位:浙江省科学技术厅 承办单位:浙江省科技信息研究院 浙江天正信息科技有限公司 联系电话:0571-85214237 网站地图

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