全自动正置荧光显微成像系统(进口 |
分类编码: | 010801 | 规格型号: | ApoTome.2 | 所属单位: | 安徽师范大学 | 仪器原值: | 99.69(万元) | 生产厂商: | 蔡司 | 产地国别: | 中国 | 安放地址: | 北京东路1号 | 技术指标: | Microscope: Axio Imager Z1 (motorized version with high-precision Z drive) with 6 objective lens-10x, 20x, 40x, 40x Oil, 63x Oil and 100x Oil. DIC and DF.LED modules (Colibri): 365, 470 and 590nm; UV light source Illuminator HXP120. Filter sets (Colibri): 49 (DAPI), 38HE (GFP), 43HE (DsRed), 50 (Cy5), 46HE (YFP), 47 (CFP), 62HE (BFP/GFP) and Analy DIC TransLight, plus other options.Digital CCD camera: AxioCam MRm (black/white, 1.4MP)Imaging software: AxioVision 4.8. | 功能及应用领域: | ApoTome is an innovative slider module (structured illumination) for fluorescence microscopy. With a flexible choice of LEDs and filters, the microscope can produce high quality 2D and 3D digital images. | 仪器联系人: | 闫浩 | 联系人电话: | 0553-3937051 | 邮政编码: | 241000 | 电子邮件: | dyanhao@mail.ahnu.edu.cn | 参考收费标准: | 电话预约。 |